Dance team members personal summary

Joined the dance team has not a month, I also appreciate the new small community dance team

this kind of warm and friendly feeling, I believe everyone's mind, like me ----- we liked

Dance Team!
In fact, I started to go just to dance team profile can dance, but the thought makes me such

satisfaction. This meet, not only can learn to dance, there is more that I feel really happy

college students gathered together, the feeling is amazing, will make people want to never

stop. Love this life it is

Not yet joined the dance team in front of my summer life is to learn to drive, not learn to

drive on and go around, life is very monotonous, in fact, every holiday like this off ...

and joined the dance team, know a lot of friends This group has a very powerful unit

cohesion, because here there is no strange feeling, even if new entrants like me, we will

not ignore me, we are concerned about everyone, be integrated into everyone. Unlike in other

places as there are very stiff feeling, we can talk about anything here, even if it is naked

~ Haha ~ This is our favorite, the dance team,wow gold even if not many times we get along, even if

I can not we all know the full name, but at least point of telling everyone I know,

nickname, or know, so do not be more friendly?

Previously I have always felt there should be a teacher to teach dancing, the only way to

dance well, but this time I do not agree with their ideas, because I have a dance teacher in

kindergarten to teach d, but with the head buy wow gold teach is a counter-effect. ... I taught well, I

saw him in the head people want is to teach patience and strength, this is what I lack.

Really, very nice head dancing ah! ! ! There are all together from far and wide, together

put forward their views, so good, everyone involved in a serious, although people outside it

seems, every night we will be open to sound big, talk big talk and laugh loudly, seems to be

in play next, but in fact we are all doing one thing, is to dance! So together with you,

although every night we are the body of water body sweat ... but no one said tired and not

jump, and I even enjoy the feeling friends. Because we all have a common interest so that we

come together, and this is a fate, it is doomed! Oh, ha ha ~ ~ of course, somewhat

exaggerated particularly Xie Youming here to supper ah ~ can ~ so we complement our physical

oh no shortage of spiritual power, but also no shortage of food power ah! We are so happy

together Siye's ~ really like a family willing, my mother was responsible for cooking ~

Karma Yeshi

There is everyone at home, or as active oh ~ this is all very sorry to see a performance. In

the group, I rarely speak, but I do not mean attention Oh, very often I have been watching,

I like to watch others speak, listen to people talk, I used to come. Well - so this a few

nights to. ... Group seems to be quiet, cheap wow gold I can not used to ah ... but I know we all return to

school, ah, but also began to learn, so I am eager to our group once again excited oh ~ ~ so

we leave it to us not only active in the group, we can go to the dance room active ~ Thank

you for giving me a fulfilling holiday. Came to the dance team's day is the happiest of my

holidays, this is the truth ah! Play truth they are all willing to talk about, ah! ! !

Ha ha - the report is completed. ... There is more, but poor language ah ~ this is no longer

a small woman show oneself ~ Oh ~